Pre-registration is mandatory for all of the sessions listed. This can be done via the Strollers management software.
New players wanting to get involved and book onto sessions can request details via the contact form on the Contact page. New players may try their first session free of charge. Please note the eligibility criteria below.
Player attendance for each session is limited, based on the size and number of pitches available. Many of our sessions are well attended and often fill quickly. Due to this we do not accept walk-ins - all players must pre-register.
Stamford Strollers accepts players from the age of 40 (men) and 35 (women). Younger players with mental health and/or physical challenges will be considered and allowed to play where appropriate. All sessions are open to all gender except the Tue evening women-only session.
NOTE: Where applicable the sessions below contain an age guide that the session is primarily aimed at. Guests/ Non-members having taster sessions are asked to select and book on to a session that matches their current age. Members of the club are welcome to attend any session but need to adapt their speed and style of play accordingly to the target age group of the session.
Weekly Sessions at Borderville, Stamford
Weekly Sessions at Elsea Park, Bourne
(7pm-8pm Summer)
men 40+ / women 35+
(7pm-8pm Summer)
women 35+ players
men 55+ / women 40+
men 40+ / women 35+
All Bourne Sessions:-
NB: To play on the artificial surface at Elsea Park, all players must wear football boots categorised as
F/G (firm ground) or A/G (artificial ground). Flat soled trainers, dimple bottomed astro trainers, boots with metal studs and blades are not allowed and you cannot take to the field if wearing this footwear due to the potential of personal injury and damage to the playing surface.
Sessions at Charles Read Academy, Corby Glen (*)
all genders 40+
(*) Sessions at Corby Glen run during school term time only