Our own referee and walking footballer, Stuart Craig is in for an exciting weekend as he takes to the field to officiate the IWFF Jack Charlton Memorial Cup between England and Ireland.
Stuart will officiate the 50+ Shadow Squad game followed by providing assistant refereeing duties for the full international.
Everyone at Stamford Strollers are proud of this achievement - Good luck Stuart!
When I asked Stuart how he felt he replied, "I was pretty stunned to be asked. I applied to the IWFF for refereeing appointments back in March - just before lockdown. Didn’t seriously think so had much chance of being selected but thought it was worth a shout.
When I got the call from Alan Rose I thought he had mixed me up with someone else - someone more Scottish than me! "
Here's a little more about Stuart borrowed from the official programme for the Jack Charlton Memorial Cup which takes place 23rd August in Birmingham.
Stuart Craig (Scotland) : With his Scottish ancestry, as well as refereeing Stuart also plays walking football for Stamford Strollers. He now lives in Lincolnshire and decided to take up refereeing and qualified.
Since qualifying Stuart officiates on a regular basis for the Peterborough & District Football
League as well as refereeing in several Walking Football tournaments and events for the various age groups 50s, 60s and 70s. Stuart was recently selected as an official for the Italian Masters Tournament in Lake Garda.
Outside of walking football, Stuart is a FA L2 coach -coach mentor, and Development Officer for Stamford AFC.